This Autumn, surf & adventure media house Beyond Limits present their next feature film, INTRO.

Josh Moffat Airwaves Surfboards x Melon

The film features Airwave’s Josh Moffat, one of a new breed of British surfboard designers.  Beyond Limits Media follow Josh as he designs, shapes and tests boards in British, Irish and Balinese waters. The film gives a unique perspective of surfing, board design and the creative process.

Self Portrait Airwaves Surfboards x Melon

INTRO tells the story of innovation, trial and error, dedication to the craft and learning the hard way. Beyond Limits Media focus on Airwave Surfboards, a fresh new brand, emerging onto the UK surf scene.

Surfboard Airwaves Surfboards x Melon

INTRO is set to be released in Autumn 2015, premiering via various digital outlets. Follow the build up on Instagram.

